I turned 30 on the 5th! I suspected that turning this magical number would solidly confirm my true "grown up-ness"...it did not. Ha! Truth is, nothing changed, I woke up and my daughter told me very kindly, and sincerely, "you still look 29 mommy".
Honestly, in the self reflection I've spent over these last few days in the beginnings of being in my 30's, I have discovered some things. One, I have been waiting on something silly like a number to help make me brave enough to do the things that are strongly burning in my heart. I love to write, always have. Two, I have put it off and off because "I'm too young, nobody will take me seriously, when I am 30 then I'll be an adult, when I am older then I'll have 'real' stuff to share."
It sounds funny now that i am sitting here writing this as a 30 year old, and honestly I still feel that same child like heart inside of me, I still feel young, I still feel excited and energetic. Nothing changed... I only realized, yet again, fear is a liar, and while I know that 30 is not "old", it surely is the oldest I've ever been.
You do not have to let the common define you, you do not have to surrender to mundane.
So today I come to you to say, the thing that makes your heart feel alive, makes you nervous, makes you think everyone will judge you for it, you're not good enough to do it, any other myriad of accusational lies, that is probably a good clue to the direction God is leading you in your life. Lean in there, attack the fear and ask it where it comes from. Don't let it define you, let it guide you in to the fullness of love and life that God offers us. He makes all things new.